Accessibility & Parking

Please let us know before your appointment if you need assistance of any kind so that we can meet you at the entrance when you arrive.


Our clinic is located on the second floor.

We have three steps at the street level with a handrail on both sides into the entrance.

outside stairs

There is a flight of stairs with a railing on the left-hand side to get up to the second floor, with an additional 4 steps not shown in the picture.

If you have any concern about the stairs, please let us know in advance so that we can provide assistance, offer a telehealth appointment or discuss the option of providing services in your home.

inside stairs


There is free 90-min parking in front of the clinic on Richmond Road.

Clients with mobility restrictions can park in the lot behind the clinic (access is off of Madison Ave). Please let your therapist know so that she can let the landlord know.

Clients with an accessible parking permit sticker can park in the lot behind the clinic at the south end in the accessible parking designated parking spots.