Prenatal PhysioYoga— Virtual


Prenatal PhysioYoga Classes — Virtual

The Prenatal PhysioYoga classes are designed to nurture and support you through pregnancy and prepare your body and mind for labour and birthing. The classes integrate postural awareness, breathing techniques, mindful movement, connecting to your core stabilizing muscles, restorative postures and meditation.

Classes will be instructed virtually via Zoom for Healthcare. The small class sizes allow the exercises to be customized and modified to meet the needs of the  individual participants.

Therapeutic Benefits

  • Prevent common aches and pains associated with pregnancy, including sciatica, low back, SI joint and pubic symphysis pain
  • Enjoy a healthy, active, painfree pregancy
  • Optimize your breathing patterns and discover your optimal postural alignment
  • Connect to your root muscles and prepare your pelvic floor for birthing
  • Release tight muscles and feel great moving your body
  • Relieve stress and fatigue
  • Deepen your ability to breathe and soften during labor and birthing
  • Feel inspired and empowered to birth your baby
  • Optimize your postpartum form and recovery
  • The classes are beneficial at any time during pregnancy and no previous yoga experience is necessary.

Fall series-TBA

Cost: $160 for 4 classes ($40/class)*, $155 for the Prenatal PhysioYoga assessment
*Extended health physiotherapy coverage may apply if a physiotherapy assessment is completed prior to the start of the classes
Instructor: Galia Carranco Herrera, Orthopedic and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist and Certified Yoga Teacher
Registration: To register or for enquiries, please email or fill in this form.

Prenatal PhysioYoga Assessment

A one-on-one prenatal physiotherapy assessment is recommended prior to starting the Prenatal PhysioYoga classes.

  • The prenatal physiotherapy assessment includes screening for the following conditions:
  • low back, thoracic, sacroiliac or pubic symphysis pain
  • rectus diastasis abdominus
  • pelvic organ prolapse
  • urinary incontinence
  • pelvic floor muscle tension and weakness
  • pre-existing perineal, episiotomy scars or c-section scars

The prenatal physiotherapy assessment also aims to give you insights into how your core is working including:

  • how you breathe and regulate pressures
  • your abdominal wall tone and function
  • the strength and relaxation of your pelvic floor muscles
  • your postural alignment and body mechanics
  • specific muscle release exercises
  • the best cues that help you to connect to your core

The prenatal physiotherapy assessment can be offered virtually through telehealth or at the clinic. Prenatal assessments that are done at the clinic include an internal pelvic floor assessment. The key points of the assessment will be passed along to the instructor to help integrate your care and help you to gain the maximum benefit from the classes.

To learn more about the benefits of telehealth vs in-clinic appointments, read more here.

To book your prenatal physiotherapy assessment please call 613-291-2956 or book online.