Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Class – Virtual
POP (Pelvic Organ Prolapse) class is a physiotherapist-led group pelvic health physiotherapy exercise program for women with pelvic organ prolapse.
These classes are beneficial for women experiencing symptoms of: vaginal heaviness or bulging, tissue protruding, difficulty with bladder or bowel emptying, urinary or fecal leaks, and activity limitations due to bothersome symptoms.
The program includes 5 weekly sessions aimed at improving your prolapse symptoms through:
- Strengthening
- Release work
- Breath work
- Hypopressives
- Helpful prolapse tips and advice
Fall series- TBA
Cost: $200 per 5-week series
*Extended health physiotherapy coverage may apply if a physiotherapy assessment is completed prior to the start of the classes
Classes are instructed virtually via Zoom for Healthcare*
Instructor: Developed and led by Monate Praamsma, MScPT, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Registration: To register please contact Monate at or 613-291-2956, or fill in this form.
POP (Pelvic Organ Prolapse) Physiotherapy Assessment
A pelvic health physiotherapy assessment (virtual or in-clinic) is required prior to starting the classes.
The Pelvic Health Assessment includes screening for:
- urethrocystocele (anterior wall prolapse), rectocele (posterior wall prolapse), uterine (cervical prolapse) and vault prolapse (post-hysterectomy)
- urinary or fecal incontinence
- difficulty emptying your bladder or bowel or difficulty with sexual activity
- pelvic floor muscle hypertonicity and/or weakness
- perineal scars and c-section scars
- breathing pattern and ability to regulate intra-abdominal pressure
- core muscle recruitment and strength
- posture and body mechanics
- safe pelvic floor friendly exercise
To schedule a pelvic health physiotherapy assessment please call 613-291-2956 or book a pelvic health assessment online.
*Zoom for Healthcare is secure and PIPEDA/PHIPA compliant